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  1. Expert

    По умолчанию Зацените и покажите свой...

    Если честно, я не разу не играл на вашем серваке (ОСКОМ-CS), я тока в УО шпилю.

    Да вы тут все друг на друга пальцем тычите, мол каждый читер, а ведь многое зависит от КОНФИГА и РУЧЕК самого человека
    Я вот выложу свой конфиг для 1.5, но переделанный под 1.6... Хотелось бы заценить ваши конфиги...
    И еще ваш АйпИ сервера выложите, зайду заценю ваших читеров ...

    echo "Taxa Online"
    name "Taxa[CPM]"
    con_color "255 255 255"
    cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
    bind "." "buyammo1"
    bind "/" "buyammo2"
    bind "TAB" "+showscores"
    bind "ENTER" "+attack"
    bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
    bind "SPACE" "+jump"
    bind "'" "+moveup"
    bind "+" "sizeup"
    bind "-" "sizedown"
    bind "0" "slot10"
    bind "1" "slot1"
    bind "2" "slot2"
    bind "3" "slot3"
    bind "4" "slot4"
    bind "5" "slot5"
    bind "6" "slot6"
    bind "7" "slot7"
    bind "8" "slot8"
    bind "9" "slot9"
    bind "f12" "retry"
    bind ";" "+mlook"
    bind "=" "sizeup"
    bind "[" "invprev"
    bind "]" "invnext"
    bind "`" "toggleconsole"
    bind "a" "+moveleft"
    bind "b" "buy"
    bind "c" "radio3"
    bind "d" "+moveright"
    bind "e" "+use"
    bind "f" "impulse 100"
    bind "g" "drop"
    bind "h" "+commandmenu"
    bind "i" "showbriefing"
    bind "j" "cheer"
    bind "k" "+voicerecord"
    bind "m" "chooseteam"
    bind "n" "nightvision"
    bind "o" "buyequip"
    bind "p" "adjust_crosshair"
    bind "q" "lastinv"
    bind "r" "+reload"
    bind "s" "+back"
    bind "t" "impulse 201"
    bind "u" "messagemode2"
    bind "w" "+forward"
    bind "x" "radio2"
    bind "y" "messagemode"
    bind "z" "radio1"
    bind "~" "toggleconsole"
    bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
    bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
    bind "ALT" "+strafe"
    bind "CTRL" "+duck"
    bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
    bind "INS" "cl_cmdrate 30; cl_updaterate 20; cl_cmdbackup 3;rate 4000; сl_dlmax 64;cl_rate 5000;r_decals 0;mp_decals 0;gunsmoke 0;violence_ablood 0;violence_agibs 0;violence_hblood 0;violence_hgibs 0;ex_interp 0.1
    bind "DEL" "say :D"
    bind "PGDN" "cl_righthand 1"
    bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
    bind "END" "centerview"
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
    bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
    bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
    bind "PAUSE" "pause"
    bind "UPARROW" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
    bind "DOWNARROW" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
    voice_scale "0.000000"
    voice_enable "1"
    voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000"
    console "1.000000"
    fps_max "300"
    fps_modem "0"
    crosshair "1.000000"
    ex_correct "1"
    net_graph "0"
    sv_voiceenable "1"
    sv_aim "0.000000"
    hpk_maxsize "0"
    viewsize "120.000000"
    ati_subdiv "2.0"
    ati_npatch "1.0"
    r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
    mp_decals "0.000000"
    gl_dither "1"
    gl_polyoffset "-0.001"
    gl_overbright "1"
    gl_flipmatrix "0"
    s_rolloff "1"
    s_doppler "1.0"
    s_distance "60"
    s_automin_distance "2.0"
    s_automax_distance "30.0"
    s_min_distance "8.0"
    s_max_distance "1000.0"
    s_leafnum "0"
    s_refgain "0.4"
    s_refdelay "4"
    s_polykeep "1000000000"
    s_polysize "10000000"
    s_numpolys "200"
    s_bloat "2.0"
    s_verbwet "0.25"
    s_a3d "0.000000"
    s_eax "0.000000"
    volume "0.400000"
    suitvolume "1.000000"
    hisound "1.000000"
    bgmvolume "0.000000"
    MP3Volume "0.800000"
    _snd_mixahead "0.1"
    team ""
    model "gordon"
    skin ""
    topcolor "30"
    bottomcolor "6"
    rate "25000.000000"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    cl_lw "1"
    cl_lc "1"
    cl_dlmax "128"
    cl_himodels "0.000000"
    cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
    cl_timeout "305"
    cl_cmdbackup "2"
    cl_download_ingame "1"
    cl_allowdownload "1"
    cl_allowupload "1"
    cl_crosshair_color "250 250 50"
    cl_crosshair_size "medium"
    cl_cmdrate "101"
    cl_weather "0"
    lookstrafe "0.000000"
    lookspring "0.000000"
    cl_forwardspeed "400"
    cl_backspeed "400"
    cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
    m_pitch "0.022000"
    m_yaw "0.022"
    m_forward "1"
    m_side "0.8"
    m_filter "1.000000"
    sensitivity "3.000000"
    joystick "0.000000"
    hud_takesshots "0"
    fastsprites "1"
    cl_corpsestay "0.000000"
    _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    _cl_autowepswitch "0"
    hud_capturemouse "1"
    hud_draw "1"
    cl_righthand "1"
    cl_minmodels "1"
    hud_fastswitch "1"
    hud_centerid "1"
    voice_modenable "1"
    setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
    setinfo "friends" "0"
    setinfo "dm" "1"
    setinfo "ah" "0"
    setinfo "vgui_menus" "1"
    setinfo "_ah" "0"
    setinfo "lefthand" "1"
    setinfo "autohelp" "0"
    setinfo "ghosts" "0"
    setinfo "cl_lb" "0.0"
    setinfo "vgui_menu" "0"
    rcon_password 22
    bind "*" "exec kr.cfg"
                                       Видео настройки
    texgamma             "1"
    gamma                "3"
    brightness           "1"
    gl_picmip            "0"
    topcolor             "30"
    bottomcolor          "6"
    fastsprites          "0"
    cl_righthand         "1"
    cl_dlmax             "128"
    cl_himodels          "1.000000"
    cl_idealpitchscale   "0.8"
    cl_timeout           "305"
    cl_cmdbackup         "2"
    cl_download_ingame   "1"
    cl_forwardspeed      "400"
    cl_backspeed         "400"
    cl_vsmoothing        "0.05"
    cl_allowdownload     "1"
    cl_observercrosshair "1"
    cl_allowupload       "1"
    cl_bob               "0.01"
    cl_bobcycle          "0.8"
    cl_lw                "1"
    cl_lc                "1"
    scr_connectmsg       ""
    scr_conspeed         "9999"
    gl_dither            "1"
    gl_polyoffset        "-0.001"
    gl_overbright        "1"
    gl_flipmatrix        "0"
    gl_spriteblend       "1"
    gl_monolights        "0"
    net_graphwidth       "192"
    net_scale            "5"
    net_graphpos         "1"
    viewsize             "120.000000"
    net_graph            "0"
    d_spriteskip         "1.000000"
                                       Настройки Сервера
    model "gordon"
    mp_friendly_grenade_damage  "1"
    mp_timelimit                "0"
    mp_winlimit 0decalfrequency "60"
    mp_falldamage               "1"
    mp_freezetime               "0"
    mp_roundtime                "3"
    mp_c4timer                  "35" 
    mp_friendlyfire             "1"  
    mp_autokick                 "0" 
    mp_footsteps                "1" 
    mp_autoteambalance          "0"
    mp_tkpunish                 "0" 
    mp_buytime                  "0.25"
    mp_limitteams               "0"
    mp_hostagepenalty           "0"
    mp_playerid                 "1"
    mp_flashlight               "1"
    mp_forcechasecam            "0"
    mp_fadetoblack              "0"
    mp_forcecamera              "2"
    mp_fraglimit                "0"
    mp_logmessages              "1"
    sv_aim                          "0" 
    sv_maxrate                      "25000"
    sv_minrate                      "2500"
    sv_maxupdaterate                "101"
    sv_lan                          "1"
    sv_download_ingame              "0"
    sv_allowdownload                "0"
    sv_allowupload                  "0"
    sv_airaccelerate                "1.5"
    sv_airmove                      "1"
    sv_send_resources               "0"
    sv_maxspeed                     "320"
    sv_spectatormaxspeed            "500"
    allow_spectators                "1"
    filterban                       "0"
    zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.0"
    rate                            "25000"
    rcon_password          "22"
    // disable clients' ability to pause the server
    pausable       "1"
    // default server name. Change to "Bob's Server", etc.
    hostname "SuXxX"
    echo "Taxa Online"

  2. неГламурный Енот
    Аватар для MAks

    По умолчанию

    connect cs.uoo.ru

  3. Expert

    По умолчанию

    *Чмок*, поцеловав свою девушку, он направился в сторону света...
    [*] Cinse: флуд

  4. Expert

    [DV] CSO: fuN.t ! Everdream

    По умолчанию

    //	-) Last Checked - Date | 08.10.2005 |  Time | 21:05:12 |
    //	-) Created By - Everdream
    //	-) Config Version - 7.3 | professional config |
    //	-) E-Mail - everdream@inbox.lv
    //	-) Nationality - LV | Latvian |
    //	-) Resolution - 800x600
    //	-) Current Clan - 4Fun.t
    //	-) Windows Sensitivity - 2/11 [ By Logitech Driver ]
    //	-) Acceleration - Low [ Disabled @ Game ]
    //-) Everdream playing settings (-
    name 			"4Fun.t ! Everdream"
    default_fov 		"90.000"
    sensitivity 		"2.9525"
    zoom_sensitivity_ratio	"1.1"
    _windowed_mouse 		"0.0000"
    //-) mouse binds (-
    bind "mouse1" 		"+attack"
    bind "mouse2" 		"+jump"
    bind "mouse3"		"+attack2"
    bind "mwheeldown"	"+duck"
    bind "mwheelup"		"enemyspotted"
    //-) movement binds (-
    bind "a" 			"+moveleft"
    bind "d" 			"+moveright"
    bind "w" 			"+forward"
    bind "s" 			"+back"
    //-) buying binds (-
    bind "ins" 		"usp; secammo; defuser"
    bind "del" 		"m4a1; ak47; primammo; defuser"
    bind "home"		"hegren; defuser"
    bind "end"		"flash; defuser"
    bind "pgup"		"deagle; secammo; defuser"
    bind "pgdn" 		"awp; defuser"
    // -) keypad binds (-
    bind "kp_leftarrow"		"cl_righthand 0"
    bind "kp_rightarrow"	"cl_righthand 1"
    bind "kp_uparrow"		"say_team -) I'm Dead Man 1-30 hp (-"
    bind "kp_enter"		"messagemode name"
    bind "kp_plus"		"volup"
    bind "kp_minus"		"voldn"
    // -) saying binds (-
    bind "LEFTARROW"	"say_team -) ...A... (-"
    bind "RIGHTARROW"	"say_team -) ...B... (-"
    bind "DOWNARROW"	"say_team -) Bomb Located (-; coverme"
    bind "UPARROW"		"say -) GL & HF (-"
    // -) other binds (-
    bind "0" 			"slot10"
    bind "1" 			"slot1"
    bind "2" 			"slot2"
    bind "3" 			"slot3"
    bind "4" 			"slot4"
    bind "5" 			"slot5"
    bind "6" 			"slot6"
    bind "7" 			"slot7"
    bind "8" 			"slot8"
    bind "9" 			"slot9"
    bind "F5" 		"say_team -) Smile - Snapshot Has Been Taken (-"
    bind "F6"			"quit"
    bind "TAB" 		"+stats"
    bind "ENTER" 		"+attack"
    bind "ESCAPE" 		"cancelselect"
    bind "SPACE" 		"+jump"
    bind "+" 			"sizeup"
    bind "," 			"buyammo1"
    bind "-" 			"sizedown"
    bind "." 			"buyammo2"
    bind ";" 			"+mlook"
    bind "[" 			"exec enigma.cfg; say -) Everdream config is loaded (-; d1; echo -execing profex config-; d0"
    bind "]"			"nswap"
    bind "`" 			"toggleconsole"
    bind "b" 			"buy"
    bind "c" 			"radio3"
    bind "e"			"+use"
    bind "f" 			"+bomb"
    bind "g" 			"drop"
    bind "h" 			"+commandmenu"
    bind "i" 			"showbriefing"
    bind "k" 			"cheer"
    bind "k" 			"+voicerecord"
    bind "m" 			"chooseteam"
    bind "n" 			"nightvision"
    bind "o" 			"buyequip"
    bind "q" 			"lastinv"
    bind "r" 			"+reload"
    bind "t" 			"impulse 201"
    bind "u" 			"messagemode2"
    bind "v"			"+defuse"
    bind "x" 			"radio2"
    bind "y" 			"messagemode"
    bind "z" 			"radio1"
    bind "~" 			"toggleconsole"
    bind "ALT" 		"+strafe"
    bind "CTRL" 		"+duck"
    bind "SHIFT" 		"+speed"
    // -) alias settings (-
    alias d1			"developer 1;"
    alias d0			"developer 0;"
    alias wa 			"wait;"
    alias wa2 		"wa; wa;"
    alias wa3			"wa; wa2"
    alias wa4 		"wa2; wa2;"
    alias wa8 		"wa4; wa4;"
    alias wa10		"wa8; wa2;"
    alias wa16 		"wa8; wa8;"
    alias wa32 		"wa16; wa16;"
    alias wa64 		"wa32; wa32;"
    alias v0 			"volume 0.00; d1; echo [----------]-no sound-; developer 0; alias volup v1; alias voldn v0;"
    alias v1 			"volume 0.10; d1; echo [*---------]-0.1-; d0; alias volup v2; alias voldn v0;"
    alias v2 			"volume 0.20; d1; echo [-*--------]-0.2-; d0; alias volup v3; alias voldn v1;"
    alias v3 			"volume 0.30; d1; echo [--*-------]-0.3-; d0; alias volup v4; alias voldn v2;"
    alias v4 			"volume 0.40; d1; echo [---*------]-0.4-; d0; alias volup v5; alias voldn v3;"
    alias v5 			"volume 0.50; d1; echo [----*-----]-0.5-; d0; alias volup v6; alias voldn v4;"
    alias v6 			"volume 0.60; d1; echo [-----*----]-0.6-; d0; alias volup v7; alias voldn v5;"
    alias v7 			"volume 0.70; d1; echo [------*---]-0.7-; d0; alias volup v8; alias voldn v6;"
    alias v8			"volume 0.80; d1; echo [-------*--]-0.8-; d0; alias volup v9; alias voldn v7;"
    alias v9 			"volume 0.90; d1; echo [--------*-]-0.9-; d0; alias volup v10; alias voldn v8;"
    alias v10 		"volume 1.00; d1; echo [---------*]-super sound-; developer 0; alias volup v10; alias voldn v9;"
    alias +stats		"+showscores; cl_showfps 1; stopsound; cl_weather 0; room_delay 0; room_feedback 0; room_left 0; room_lp 0; room_mod 0; room_off 1; room_refl 0; room_size 0; room_type 0"
    alias -stats 		"-showscores; cl_showfps 0;"
    alias enemyspotted	"say_team -- Enemy Spotted --;enemyspot"
    alias nswap		"nswap1"
    alias nswap1		"name profex; alias nswap nswap2"
    alias nswap2		"name pFx; alias nswap nswap3"
    alias nswap3		"name pitch^; alias nswap nswap1"
    // -) voice settings (-
    voice_avggain 		"0.3000"
    voice_enable 		"0.0000"
    voice_fadeouttime 		"0.1000"
    voice_forcemicrecord 	"0.0000"
    voice_loopback		"1.0000"
    voice_maxgain 		"3.0000"
    voice_modenable		"0.0000"
    voice_overdrive 		"2.0000"
    voice_overdrivefadetime 	"0.4000"
    voice_scale 		"0.8500"
    sv_voiceenable		"1.0000"
    // -) fps settings (-
    fps_max 			"101.00"
    fps_modem 		"101.00"
    developer		"1.0000"
    // -) gl settings (-
    gl_dither 			"1.0000"
    gl_flipmatrix 		"0.0000"
    gl_fog 			"1.0000"
    gl_monolights 		"0.0000"
    gl_overbright 		"0.0000"
    gl_polyoffset 		"0.1000"
    gl_max_size 		"256.00"
    gl_nobind 		"0.0000"
    gl_picmip 		"0.0000"
    gl_playermip 		"1.0000"
    gl_flashblend 		"0.0000"
    gl_lightholes 		"1.0000"
    gl_monolights 		"0.0000"
    gl_overbright 		"1.0000"
    // -) cl settings (-
    cl_crosshair_color 	"255 255 50"
    cl_crosshair_size 		"1.0000"
    cl_crosshair_translucent 	"0.0000"
    cl_logocolor 		"#Valve_Red"
    cl_logofile 		"lambda"
    _cl_autowepswitch 	"1.0000"
    cl_allowdownload 		"1.0000"
    cl_allowupload 		"1.0000"
    cl_backspeed 		"400.00
    cl_cmdbackup 		"2.0000"
    cl_cmdrate 		"101.00"
    cl_corpsestay 		"600.00"
    cl_dlmax 		"128.00"
    cl_download_ingame 	"1.0000"
    cl_dynamiccrosshair 	"0.0000"
    cl_forwardspeed 		"400.00"
    cl_himodels 		"0.0000"
    cl_idealpitchscale 		"0.8000"
    cl_lc 			"1.0000"
    cl_lw 			"1.0000"
    cl_minmodels 		"1.0000"
    cl_radartype 		"0.0000"
    cl_righthand		"1.0000"
    cl_shadows 		"1.0000"
    cl_timeout		"305.00"
    cl_updaterate 		"101.00"
    cl_vsmoothing 		"0.0500"
    cl_weather 		"0.0000"
    cl_dynamiclights		"1.0000"
    // -) sound settings (-
    _snd_mixahead 		"0.1000"
    MP3FadeTime 		"2.0000"
    MP3Volume 		"0.0000"
    bgmvolume 		"1.0000"
    hisound 			"0.0000"
    suitvolume 		"2.0000"
    s_a3d 			"0.0000"
    s_automax_distance 	"30.000"
    s_automin_distance 	"2.0000"
    s_bloat 			"2.0000"
    s_distance 		"60.000"
    s_doppler 		"0.0000"
    s_eax 			"0.0000"
    s_leafnum 		"0.0000"
    s_max_distance		"1000.0"
    s_min_distance 		"5.0000"
    s_numpolys 		"200.00"
    s_polykeep 		"1000.0"
    s_polysize 		"1000.0"
    s_refdelay 		"4.0000"
    s_refgain 		"0.4000"
    s_rolloff 			"1.0000"
    s_verbwet 		"0.2500"
    // -) setinfo settings (-
    setinfo "friends" 		"1.0000"
    setinfo "lefthand" 		"1.0000"
    setinfo "_ah" 		"1.0000"
    setinfo "dm" 		"1.0000"
    setinfo vgui_menus 	"0.0000"
    setinfo "_vgui_menus" 	"0.0000"
    setinfo "HEADSHOT" 	"101.00"
    setinfo "AIM"		"101.00"
    setinfo "proFex"		"101.00"
    // -) h.u.d. settings (-
    hud_capturemouse 	"1.0000"
    hud_centerid 		"1.0000"
    hud_draw 		"1.0000"
    hud_fastswitch 		"1.0000"
    hud_saytext_internal 	"1.0000"
    hud_takesshots 		"0.0000"
    hud_saytext_time 		"5.0000"
    hud_deathnotice_time 	"11.000"
    // -) mouse settings (-
    m_filter 			"0.0000"
    m_forward 		"1.0000"
    m_pitch 			"0.0220"
    m_side 			"0.8000"
    m_yaw 			"0.0220"
    // -) spectator settings (-
    spec_autodirector_internal 	"1.0000"
    spec_drawcone_internal 	"1.0000"
    spec_drawnames_internal 	"1.0000"
    spec_drawstatus_internal 	"1.0000"
    spec_mode_internal 	"3.0000"
    spec_pip 		"0.0000"
    // -) violence settings (-
    violence_ablood 		"1.0000"
    violence_agibs 		"0.0000"
    violence_hblood 		"1.0000"
    violence_hgibs 		"0.0000"
    // -) screen settings (-
    scr_connectmsg		"icu | profex"
    scr_connectmsg1		"i see you"
    scr_connectmsg2		"respect & ownage"
    scr_conspeed	 	"9999.0"
    // -) settings (-
    lightgamma 		"2.5000"
    gamma 			"5.0000"
    brightness 		"8.0000"
    sv_aim 			"0.0000"
    sv_voiceenable 		"1.0000"
    ati_npatch 		"1.0000"
    ati_subdiv 		"2.0000"
    net_graph 		"0.0000"
    net_graphpos 		"1.0000"
    net_scale 		"5.0000"
    lookspring 		"0.0000"
    lookstrafe 		"0.0000"
    setinfo "_vgui_menus" 	"0.0000"
    setinfo "_ah" 		"0.0000"
    bottomcolor 		"6.0000"
    console 			"1.0000"
    crosshair 		"1.0000"
    fastsprites 		"0.0000"
    hpk_maxsize 		"4.0000"
    joystick 			"0.0000"
    mp_decals 		"300.00"
    r_bmodelhighfrac 		"5.0000"
    topcolor 			"30.000"
    viewsize 			"120.00"
    echo --- Everdream config loaded successfully \m/(o_0)\m/  ---
    speak go

  5. Master

    По умолчанию

    а давайте не флудить и только СВОИ куски выкладывать без дефолтных гаммы, курсоров и прочего барахла

  6. Grandmaster


    По умолчанию

    bind "TAB" "+showscores"
    bind "ENTER" "+attack"
    bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
    bind "SPACE" "+jump"
    bind "'" "+moveup"
    bind "+" "sizeup"
    bind "-" "sizedown"
    bind "/" "+movedown"
    bind "0" "slot10"
    bind "1" "slot1"
    bind "2" "slot2"
    bind "3" "slot3"
    bind "4" "slot4"
    bind "5" "slot5"
    bind "6" "slot6"
    bind "7" "slot7"
    bind "8" "slot8"
    bind "9" "slot9"
    bind ";" "+mlook"
    bind "=" "sizeup"
    bind "[" "invprev"
    bind "]" "invnext"
    bind "`" "toggleconsole"
    bind "a" "+moveleft"
    bind "b" "buyammo2"
    bind "d" "+moveright"
    bind "e" "+attack2"
    bind "g" "drop"
    bind "j" "buyequip"
    bind "m" "buy"
    bind "n" "buyammo1"
    bind "q" "lastinv"
    bind "r" "+reload"
    bind "s" "+back"
    bind "v" "+use"
    bind "w" "+forward"
    bind "~" "toggleconsole"
    bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
    bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
    bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
    bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
    bind "ALT" "+strafe"
    bind "CTRL" "+duck"
    bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
    bind "F5" "snapshot"
    bind "F6" "save quick"
    bind "F7" "load quick"
    bind "F10" "quit prompt"
    bind "INS" "+klook"
    bind "DEL" "messagemode"
    bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
    bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
    bind "END" "messagemode2"
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
    bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
    bind "PAUSE" "pause"
    voice_scale "1.000000"
    voice_enable "1"
    voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000"
    console "1"
    fps_max "99"
    fps_modem "0"
    crosshair "1"
    gamma "5"
    brightness "1"
    con_color "255 155 50"
    net_graph "0"
    net_scale "5"
    net_graphpos "1"
    sv_voiceenable "1"
    sv_aim "0.000000"
    hpk_maxsize "0"
    viewsize "120"
    ati_subdiv "2"
    ati_npatch "1"
    r_bmodelhighfrac "5"
    mp_decals "300"
    gl_dither "1"
    gl_polyoffset "0.1"
    gl_overbright "0"
    gl_flipmatrix "0"
    gl_monolights "0"
    s_rolloff "1"
    s_doppler "0"
    s_distance "60"
    s_automin_distance "2"
    s_automax_distance "30"
    s_min_distance "8"
    s_max_distance "1000"
    s_leafnum "0"
    s_refgain "0.4"
    s_refdelay "4"
    s_polykeep "1000000000"
    s_polysize "10000000"
    s_numpolys "200"
    s_bloat "2"
    s_verbwet "0.25"
    s_a3d "0.000000"
    s_eax "1.000000"
    volume "1.200000"
    suitvolume "0.250000"
    hisound "1.000000"
    bgmvolume "1.000000"
    MP3Volume "0.800000"
    _snd_mixahead "0.1"
    name "voilalalal"
    team ""
    model ""
    skin ""
    topcolor "0"
    bottomcolor "0"
    rate "25000.000000"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    cl_lw "1"
    cl_lc "1"
    cl_dlmax "128"
    cl_himodels "0.000000"
    cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
    cl_timeout "35"
    cl_cmdbackup "2"
    cl_download_ingame "1"
    cl_allowdownload "1"
    cl_allowupload "1"
    cl_cmdrate "101"
    lookstrafe "0.000000"
    lookspring "0.000000"
    cl_forwardspeed "400"
    cl_backspeed "400"
    cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_yaw "0.022"
    m_forward "1"
    m_side "0.8"
    m_filter "0.000000"
    sensitivity "1.200000"
    joystick "0.000000"
    hud_takesshots "0"
    fastsprites "0"
    cl_corpsestay "180"
    _cl_autowepswitch "1"
    hud_capturemouse "1"
    hud_draw "1"
    cl_righthand "1"
    cl_minmodels "1"
    cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
    hud_fastswitch "1"
    hud_centerid "1"
    voice_modenable "1"
    hud_classautokill "1"
    setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"
    setinfo "_ah" "0"
    //This autoexec.cfg will be on every tournament machine at the CPL WC event.
    //Weapon and Item Buy Binds
    alias ms1 "menuselect 1"
    alias ms2 "menuselect 2"
    alias ms3 "menuselect 3"
    alias ms4 "menuselect 4"
    alias ms5 "menuselect 5"
    alias ms6 "menuselect 6"
    alias ms7 "menuselect 7"
    alias ms8 "menuselect 8"
    alias ms9 "menuselect 9"
    alias "w" "wait"
    alias go "+attack; w; -attack"
    alias go_slot1 "slot1; go"
    alias go_slot2 "slot2; go"
    alias buyammop "buy; ms6"
    alias buyammos "buy; ms7"
    alias +vest "buyequip; ms1"
    alias -vest "slot10"
    alias +helm "buyequip; ms2; +vest"
    alias -helm "slot10"
    alias +fb "buyequip; ms3"
    alias -fb "slot10"
    alias +hegren "buyequip; ms4"
    alias -hegren "slot10"
    alias +sgren "buyequip; ms5"
    alias -sgren "slot10"
    alias +defuser "buyequip; ms6"
    alias -defuser "slot10"
    alias +nvgs "buyequip; ms7; w; nightvision"
    alias -nvgs "slot10"
    alias +usp "buy; ms1; ms1"
    alias -usp "slot10"
    alias +glock "buy; ms1; ms2"
    alias -glock "slot10"
    alias +deagle "buy; ms1; ms3"
    alias -deagle "slot10"
    alias +p228 "buy; ms1; ms4"
    alias -p228 "slot10"
    alias +elites "buy; ms1; ms5"
    alias -elites "slot10"
    alias +fn57 "buy; ms1; ms6"
    alias -fn57 "slot10"
    alias +m3 "buy; ms2; ms1"
    alias -m3 "slot10"
    alias +xm1014 "buy; ms2; ms2"
    alias -xm1014 "slot10"
    alias +mp5 "buy; ms3; ms1"
    alias -mp5 "slot10"
    alias +tmp "buy; ms3; ms2"
    alias -tmp "slot10"
    alias +p90 "buy; ms3; ms3"
    alias -p90 "slot10"
    alias +mac10 "buy; ms3; ms4"
    alias -mac10 "slot10"
    alias +ump45 "buy; ms3; ms5"
    alias -ump45 "slot10"
    alias +ak47 "buy; ms4; ms1"
    alias -ak47 "slot10"
    alias +commando "buy; ms4; ms2"
    alias -commando "slot10"
    alias +m4a1 "buy; ms4; ms3"
    alias -m4a1 "slot10"
    alias +aug "buy; ms4; ms4"
    alias -aug "slot10"
    alias +scout "buy; ms4; ms5"
    alias -scout "slot10"
    alias +awp "buy; ms4; ms6"
    alias -awp "slot10"
    alias +g3sg1 "buy; ms4; ms7"
    alias -g3sg1 "slot10"
    alias +sg550 "buy; ms4; ms8"
    alias -sg550 "slot10"
    alias +m249 "buy; ms5; ms1"
    alias -m249 "slot10"
    ex_interp 0.05

  7. Master

    По умолчанию

    очень прошу:

  8. Expert
    HameLeon(уо) <!> KaMaZ(кс)

    По умолчанию

    а я без конфига справляюсь, вот только сенсу ставлю 0.5 и всё

  9. Expert

    [DV] CSO: fuN.t ! Everdream

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от samogon
    а я без конфига справляюсь, вот только сенсу ставлю 0.5 и всё
    Сенса не может быть меньше 1.0

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